Bluxome Center Grand Opening
This year we were so excited to start offering a new service to our clients — VENUE CONSULTING! For our first venue consulting client, we partnered with Alexandria Real Estate to reimagine a completely empty space and turn it into a beautiful, functioning community event space!
After 9 months of work, construction, pitching proposals, branding, and outreach we finally launched this month to the Bluxome Street community in Central SOMA as Bluxome Center!
What we did:
1) Space Identity + Community Concept
We partnered with our Endeavors partners, Plinth Agency, on naming and the overall concept. Our client did the logo design in house.
2) Setup Events Program & Plan Open House
- We developed the infrastructure needed to run a successful events program including rental packet, sample layouts, venue photography, and website.
- We put together the Preferred Vendors List and trained Venue Managers on use of the space.
- We consulted on space design and functionality.
- And of course, we planned a kick ass Community Grand Opening Celebration for Central SOMA residents and community leaders, managing full event planning, registration, and outreach.
3) Plan a full street closure festival called Bluxome Street Fair
Save the date for October 14th! We’ll be launching a new street fair for San Francisco called Bluxome Street Fair complete with kids activities, a live stage, retail market, dog agility park, and a BBQ cookoff! We’ll also feature a beer/wine garden from Bluxome Street businesses, Bluxome Street Winery & Local Brewing Co.
- Event Production: Make it Mariko, @makeitmariko (Endeavors Collective)
- Catering: Mestiza Taqueria, @mestizasf
- Florals: Juna Alinea (Endeavors), @juna_alinea
- DJ: Creative Transit Agency, @creativetransitagency (Endeavors)
- Music: OGD Band (Organ, Guitar, Drums; Endeavors Collective)
- Wine: Bluxome Street Winery
- Beer: Local Brewing Co.
- Photography: The Mogli, @themogli (Endeavors)
- Lighting: Gatsby Entertainment, @gatsbyentgroup (Endeavors)