I’m all about the wedding activities. Weddings are supposed to be fun, and focused on the couple. Anytime my couples are down for fun activities and doing more interactive things, I always suggest COUPLE’S TRIVIA! 

#1: I love trivia.
#2: I love the idea of getting to know a couple more at their wedding.

Couple’s trivia is a great activity to do during dinner in between courses especially if you’re doing a buffet since it gives guests something to do while they wait. Right before dinner ends, have everyone check their answers (honor system), and have your Emcee read off the answers aloud. It’s super fun and everyone always learns something new and fun about the couple.

Buy fun prizes for the winner!

For our wedding, I designed custom t-shirts based on our theme ‘California Love’ for the winners. We printed a few extras and gave them out to guests throughout the night. We also wore them the day after the wedding.

FUN FACT: The team that actually won trivia at our wedding, was our TRIVIA TEAM that we used to play with every week! I guess the practice paid off.

Download the template below, and share your thoughts with us in the comments!
Ready to play?
Click here

